Donald Trump has been given the green light to tee orf his development in Aberdeen. Its a wonder that he has taken so much time,energy and no doubt money in the fight to build his new Golf Resort.The development will comprise two golf courses, 500 homes and a 450-bedroom hotel on the sand dunes at Balmedie on a site of special scientific interest. All thoughts of protecting the sea birds and the dunes went out of the window when faced with the wall of cash, and the potential of even more with the boost to tourism and jobs. Alex Salmond said: "The economic and social benefits for the North East of Scotland substantially outweigh any environmental impact. It is entirely right and proper that the resources of the country are harnessed to boost one of our great industries and tourism is a great Scottish industry." while the RSPB spokesperson answers "We are surprised and extremely disappointed at this decision, which we believe is wrong both for Aberdeenshire and for Scotland. The development will cause the destruction of a dune system, with its precious wildlife, on a site which is protected by law and should continue to be available for future generations to enjoy. We, and the thousands of other objectors, consider that this is too high a price to pay for the claimed economic benefits from this development."

I am all for the dunes and the sea birds, I really am. I can't imagine that the development could not be put somewhere else and Donald Trump could develop a course anywhere in the world (somewhere where the wind does not blow next time, having seen the Donald 'hair don'ts' in Scotland publicity shots) I especially dont like the politicians who would be thumping the table in outrage if the decision were being made while they were in opposition.
Thankfully there is the voice of reason in there somewhere, that one man standing alone, prepared to turn down all offers of cash, jobs and any other sort of bribary, to protect his home (the home of generations of his family) and the dunes, from the rich American developer and the politicians who are guided by expediancy rather than principle.Should I make an attempt at the screenplay now? Michael Forbes, the man refusing to move, could certainly do with some support and guidance. They will eventually find a way to move him out of the way, so he should make the most of it.
But I expect its now a done deal and that it will be a fantastic resort to visit, and without having to get on a plane fro 7 hours.As for the golf course itself, it has had so much publicity already, and has Donald Trump as its leader, it hardly needs a golf pro to sell it. With a budget of £1 billion I hope the local council are having something for the community and at least a bit of art/sculpture.