Whichever side of the Atlantic you were cheering from, or whether you listened on BBC Radio 5 live, or watched it on Sky, the Ryder Cup did as it always does; created a wave of new interest in the game and produced some new heroes. There was so much coverage of the wild card choice of Ian Poulter, before the tournament kicked off, that his excellent contribution to the European effort can only spell one thing; I feel the setting up of the Ian Poulter Designer Golf Course Company and Website.
Poulter already has the golf gear designer website and shop,all in a lovely pinky hazy background colour. Now I give him a lot more credit for that design, and definitely the colouring of this range of designer pro gear than, say, The Lily Allen range at New Look. He's got more flair and personality than most at Valhalla. Some lucky Golf course somewhere will soon be advertising The Poulter
1 comment:
it was good match
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